Employment Opportunity: Calling all Drummers!!
Employment Opportunity Calling all Drummers!!Open audition June 30th, 2012 for Gallant Entertainment Inc.Gallant Entertainment Inc. is the only marching percussion supplier for corporatread more
View ArticleSoutheast Wisconsin drummer lookin for part time gigs
My name is Jeff. I'm lookin for part time paying gigs in my area (southeast Wisconsin). I can play anything for jazz - melodic/symphonic metal. I can do tracking if needed. I use a pearl 5 piece sread...
View ArticleHow to identify LV bag authenticity
1.[grain] LV printing is with special canvas plus fuel and prevent cross resistant material, so on the surface of the grain line particularly evident. And the source of the read more
View ArticleLooking for Drummer with harmony vocal ability
We're an established rock band based out of Los Angeles and are looking for a drummer for fly out dates starting Aug. 11th through the end of Oct... All expenses paid plus salary for the right guy...
View ArticleLooking for Metal Drummer in South Jersey
We are an original New Metal band in need of that final piece of the puzzle......YOU. We have fantastic musicians with outstanding writing. Some technical stuff and then punch you in the face...
View ArticleRock Act Seeking Drummer (New Jersey)
Rock original act is seeking a "professional quality" drummer. A heavy styled player with dynamics, a strong groove, jazz influenced, diverse creativity and technical ability. A "traditional" 4 to 5...
View ArticlePersonal loans support every credit score need
However, if you do not go to whichever announcements from the Web marketer offering you that your details are not unsecurely transferred online, you might absolutely be using a rip off payday loan...
View ArticleSwift instant loans- Carry instantaneous cash remedy for the debtor
Make important choice prior to finally position software for personal loans for a low credit score borrowers. This is considered as plenty of safety measures in the loan.read more
Hi folks!!!My name is Bruno Moreira and I started a music project called The Bedlam Kids. The project main style is Alternative/Rock and so far, we've recorded one song you can hear it here - httpread...
View Articlejust signed up and want to say hello
I saw the youtube videos of of the crush acrylic drums and loved them. They were the basis of my newest project to make a glow kit. I got the Idea from the Risen drum folks and there videos on...
View ArticleDrum set model
Hi all!! Check my Image gallery to see what I made: The Dave Weckl's drum set :P Say what you think about it :)Peace! and sry for english...
View ArticleSecond International V-Drummers Collaboration
Hey all,Here's a link to a video 18 v-drummers have been working on the last couple of months, I hope you like it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IGVq8VBvSI
View Articlejazz songs
im new to jazz and there isnt a very big collection of jazz. and its no fun playing two songs four times in a row. especialy when you are learning it. can you upload so more?
View Articleneed information for best and cheapest materials to build a soundproof room
looking for advice on where to buy inexpensive soundproofing material like the foam and stuff like that..... or has anyone ever built their own sound proof drum room and what did you use.......thanks
View Articlemoritz muller groove help
anyone up for working the groove on this clip out for me?1,32 seconds onwards is just killin me,i gotta be able to do this cos it sounds so sweet!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSIBs0sTMkAcopyread more
View ArticleMagic Mike's Mad Mondays (and Tuesday) - Vintage gear week!
Magic Mike’s Mad Mondays (and Tuesdays) – vintage gear week! [list] [b][u]Drums:[/u][/b][list] [B][U]Slingerland:[/U][/B][LIST][B][U] 1979 – 1980 Vintage Slingerland Niles Badgeread more
View ArticleFew items this week
A few items for this week, a short list [list] [B][U]Cymbals:[/U][/B][list] [B][U]Sabian:[/U][/B] [LIST][B][U]16” Sabian AAX Studio Crash [/U][/B] In Excellent condition, thread more
View ArticleAcoustic kit triggering
I am planning on triggering my acoustic kit or at least the kick drum, however, I have little experience with drum modules. Can anyone recommend a good sound module with close to natural kick drumread...
View ArticleRespecting The Drummer Connection Crew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi:This is a special message to the entire Drummer Connection Crew. I have so much respect for you. DrumFreak, you rock as does ThatKid and so on.I wanted to wish you the best in the new year.read more
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